Privacy Policy

DEFINITION: Personal Data is defined as any information about an individual and from which that person can be identified. 

(This Privacy Policy applies to The Aunties Training Centre.)


This Privacy Policy, based on the General Data Protection Regulations, 2018, explains The Aunties’ practices, and your choices, regarding the collection, use and disclosure of certain information, including your personal information, by The Aunties’ Training Centre.

Contacting Us

If you have general questions about your enrolment with The Aunties’ Training Centre, or specific queries about our Privacy Statement, please contact The official data controllers of your personal information are Mr. Ahlexi Enjily, Mrs Jennie Eels and Mrs Heidi Sharpe at The Aunties’ Training Centre, Hillview, Horton Road, Stanton-St-John, Oxford, OX33 1AG.

Data Protection Principles

The Aunties will comply with data protection legislation, by means of the following:

  1. The Aunties Training Centre will ensure they have a lawful reason for collecting your personal data and will do it in a fair and transparent way.
  2. The Aunties Training Centre will only use your data for the reasons it is initially obtained.
  3. The Aunties Training Centre will not collect any more data than is necessary.
  4. The Aunties Training Centre will ensure your data is accurate and there will be mechanisms in place to keep it up to date. This of course will require you to inform the Aunties any change of your details and circumstances.
  5. The Aunties Training Centre will not keep your data any longer than needed or legally required.
  6. The Aunties Training Centre will protect your personal data to the best of our ability.

Collection of Information

The Aunties Training Centre’ treats all data about you as one of its Learners, in the strictest confidence, including:

  • Your name, email, home and work address, telephone number, occupation, bank details, payment methods. We collect and use this information when you enrol as a learner with The Aunties Training Centre.
  • Your name, address, date of birth, personal details, individual needs, developmental and study records.  We collect and use this information when you register with The Aunties Training Centre, in order to safeguard, care for, assess, educate, and develop you as a professional.
  • As a Member of The Aunties Training Centre, information you enter when you update or amend your enrolment must be done via email or letter.
  • Information from other sources: We may supplement the information described above with information we obtain from other sources, such as Ofsted, healthcare professionals, educational professionals, CACHE etc.

Use of Information

We use your information to provide, administer, and improve our services to you, to process your enrolment, including your professional development, your bookings and payments, and to communicate with you.

Directors of the Management Team (all of whom have Enhanced DBS checks and are of Advanced Designated Lead status) have access to absolutely ALL data about leaners.  Supervisory staff (Enhanced DBS checks and Advanced Safeguarding status) have access to all information concerning information about learners to enable them to support the needs of the learner.  All other staff members, and other learners, do not have access to learner’s data.

Disclosure of Information

Information collected by The Aunties Training Centre will not be passed to third parties without seeking the learner’s consent, except where the product or service is delivered by a third party on our behalf for the purposes of the effective administration of your enrolment, including your professional development, or we are obliged by law to do so. If those third parties are based outside the EU, we will do all that is reasonably possible to ensure that their data processing activities are compliant with EU and UK law. We will only keep data for as long as necessary or legally required and we will only share your information for certain purposes and to third parties as necessary for the effective administration of your enrolment or safeguarding (e.g. Oxfordshire County Council, HMRC, CACHE, Ofsted, LADO etc).

Storage of Information

We store information securely in digital and paper format.  All Training Centre devices are password protected, with virus and malware protection installed. All webcams are secured to prevent cyber-ratting (definition: the activity of hacking into a computer to take control of its functions) Data protected documentation is encrypted.  Only members of the Management Team have access to devices containing sensitive data.

Staff and Learners are trained in confidentiality, social media, and data protection issues.

Members of the Management Team who need to carry out home-working to fulfil their roles have each signed a Code of Conduct in relation to home-working.  Each member of the Management Team is allocated a nursery computer. Learners personal information is kept in employer files in the training centre in a locked cupboard. Only training centre staff have access to these files. Learner files may need to be kept at assessor’s homes for access to information. The only personal information within these files is the learners medical and individual needs and next of kin. This is so as the assessor has access to this information in case of an emergency during an assessment with the learner. All training centre staff will have signed a GDPR agreement at the start of their employment agreeing to keep learners information confidential when files are away from the office.

Information is retained according to statutory regulations and all information in paper format is stored securely, and, where appropriate locked away.

Retention of Information

We retain your information for as long as required either by UK or EU law and/or as long as we need it to fulfil the terms of your enrolment and/or to provide you with services or information you have requested or signed up to and for the legitimate running of The Aunties’ Training Centre

Disposal of Data and Information

Anything, that contains a name is shredded or burnt to ensure confidentiality.

Use of The Aunties Training Centre Website

Within our website, we link to other useful organisations’ websites that may be of use to you; however, we do not endorse the information on these websites and are not responsible for the websites’ content. The Aunties’ Training Centre cannot be held responsible for the privacy of data collected by these sites. You should review their privacy policy before sending them any personal data.

We make every effort to ensure that viruses, malware and other malicious software is excluded from our website, however we advise that you take appropriate precautions to protect your device. The Aunties’ Training Centre cannot be held responsible for any consequential damage from malicious software or any other use of our website, products or services.

Learner Responsibilities

As an enrolled learner with The Aunties’ Training Centre, leaners have a legal duty and responsibility under the terms of Safeguarding legislation and General Data Protection Regulations to protect the data of all individual children, parents, staff members, learners, management team, and every facet of The Aunties’ Old School Nursery and The Aunties Training Centre.  Every single data element (including intellectual property, policies, procedures, data in any format, etc) and data in any format related to any person(s)/aspect associated with the setting is to be treated with the highest levels of confidentiality in accordance with UK and European legislation.  Nothing related to the setting is to be cited on social media without the express permission of the Management Team.

Your Information and Rights

In accordance with all legal requirements, and The Aunties’ long history of transparency, you have the right to access any information we hold relating to you. You can request access to personal information or details of any transfers to third parties by emailing us at You may also request that we delete personal information that we hold about you. We may reject requests that are unreasonable or not required by law, including those that would be extremely impractical or could require disproportionate effort.​​  We reserve the right to charge an administration fee of our choosing, for requests that require extreme time, dedication, or organisation.

Ahlexi Enjily

For and on behalf of The Aunties’ Training Centre

This policy was adopted on Signed on behalf of The Training Centre Date for review
18 October 2018 Ahlexi Enjily 1 October 2019
6th October 2019 Ahlexi Enjily  February 2020
25th February 2020 Ahlexi Enjily October 2020
14th October 2020 Jennie Eels 1st October 2021
6th October 2021 Jennie Eels 1st October 2022
20th January 2023 Ahlexi Enjily 20th January 2024



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